The Garden Guide

Book: Gardens of Japan, 1928,
Chapter: Garden Parts And Accessories

Arbours and chaseki tea house

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Rest-arbours and summer-houses are also important accessories to a large landscape garden. The former is simple in construction, a roof being supported by one of four posts, and provided with benches. The latter is also a simple structure, generally having walls and a matted floor. Both serve as resting places to enjoy the solitude or the beauty of the garden, they themselves at the same time contributing a charm to the garden. To be picturesque there should be a leaning tree, covering a portion of the roof with its branches. It is charming simply to see one built over the edge of the water, reflecting itself upon the mirror of the pond, or in a wooded ravine wrapped in sylvan solitude, or close to the garden cascade where the heat of the summer may be washed away by the sound of the falling water. To rest in them is to sit on the lap of Nature herself.