The Garden Guide

Book: Gardens of Japan, 1928,
Chapter: Different Styles Of Japanese Gardens

Water Gardens in Japan

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There is a type which mainly consists of water, its principal feature being a lake. It is called sen-tei (water-gardens) or rin-sen (forest-water). Marquis Asano's beautiful garden in Hiroshima and Hakkei-en at Hikone, originally Lord li's garden, belongs to this category. The garden at Shiba, formerly of the Imperial detached palace and now given to the city of Tokyo, with its pond connected with the sea, is another example. Count Matsuura's garden in Tokyo may also be included in this type and there are many others all over the country in varying sizes. As in other types, a water-garden of a smaller size may be so laid out as to be enjoyed from the house alone, but the larger ones must be provided with boat, bridges, and paths encircling the lakes. Then its requirements become much more complex. Endless details as to the placing of rocks or planting of trees, etc., must be carefully thought out in order that different parts of the garden may be admired from varying angles.