The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Northern England and Southern Scotland in 1841

Glasgow Horticultural Society

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Glasgow.-Through the kindness of the Secretary of the Horticultural Society, we drove to the different public buildings and squares, and though we have nothing to say in the way of detail, we cannot help expressing our admiration of the many handsome street elevations, executed from the designs of Mr. Hamilton and his sons; and more particularly the new Banking House and the new Club House. We cannot leave Glasgow without mentioning the Eagle Inn, and its most obliging land-lord, Mr. Fraser; for his accommodations and attention we found to be far beyond what are usually met with at such places. We were forcibly struck with the difference, when, about a month afterwards, we were obliged to pass through Glasgow, and stop at the Black Bull.