The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Northern England and Southern Scotland in 1841

Drummonds Agricultural Museum

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Messrs. Drummond's Agricultural Museum is the first concern of the kind that was established in Scotland, and it is impossible too highly to estimate the good which it has done, not only in the immediate neighbourhood, but throughout Scotland; we might even say throughout the world, for Messrs. Drummond not only send agricultural implements to England and Ireland but to the East and West Indies, and to North and South America. To England and Ireland they not only send implements, but horses of an improved breed, and expert ploughmen to manage them. The building which contains the museum is new, large, and appropriately arranged, both for exhibiting the articles and carrying on the nursery and seed business, as well as the sale of implements. We cannot pretend to describe the building, or enumerate the articles. Specimens appear to have been sent from all quarters, both at home and abroad, including dried plants, seeds, soil, manures, minerals, and geological collections. Among the latter is a section of the strata passed through in sinking a shaft to a coal mine; the whole being executed to a scale, and every stratum filled in with specimens of actual minerals. This is effected by means of a shallow box, 6 or 8 feet in length, and 6 in. in breadth, and about 2 in. deep. The minerals are filled in, each stratum being separated by a thin slip of board, and, when completed, the box is set on end. The specimens of different varieties of wheat, oats, and barley are numerous and extremely interesting, as are boxes of different soils. We were much surprised at the number of implements, and we marked a few in Messrs. Drummond's printed catalogue, of which they have kindly sent us the following sketches and details. "Articles noted by Mr. London in the Agricultural Museum of Messrs. Drummond at Stirling.