The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment XxxIII. Extracted From The Report On Sherringham Bower, In Norfolk, A Seat Of Abbot Upcher, Esq. Situation.

Levels and landform at Sherringham, Norfolk

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Secondly. The levels. This is an object of much more importance than is generally supposed. We frequently see houses placed, for the sake of the prospect, so high, that they are annoyed by every wind; and others, for the sake of shelter, so low, that they are flooded by every heavy fall of rain, or by the sudden melting of the snow. The site here proposed is on a sufficient eminence to enjoy prospect, and yet to be sheltered from the sea-winds: the ground, by nature, falls gently from it in every direction, except towards the north; and, in that direction, it will easily be made to do so by art: this is necessary to prevent any damps from the hill, and to provide a sufficient drainage for the house and offices, all of which will require very little cost, or labour. Thus, I trust, I may pronounce that the site is perfect with respect to its levels.