The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment XxvIII. Containing Extracts From The Report On Woburn Abbey.

Modern tree belts and drives

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It is not only the line of the modern belt and drive that is objectionable, but also the manner in which the plantation is made, by the indiscriminate mixture of every kind of trees, particularly firs and larches. All variety is lost, and all contrast destroyed, by different genera; by the recurrence and monotony of the same mixture of trees of all the different kinds. And here I must not omit my full tribute of applause to that part of the drive, at Woburn, in which evergreens alone prevail: it is a circumstance of grandeur, of variety, of novelty, and, I may add, of winter comfort, that I never saw adopted in any other place on so magnificent a scale.