The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment XxvIII. Containing Extracts From The Report On Woburn Abbey.

Forcing vegetable and fruit garden

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THE FORCING GARDEN. If the espalier fruit and common vegetables were provided for elsewhere, one acre of walled garden would be equivalent to eight or ten acres in the common mode of disposing kitchen-gardens. The walls should be placed at such distance from each other, as to admit of a walk near the trees, and of a border for early vegetables between the walk and the part shaded by the next wall; on which a hedge of laurel and lauristinus, or even rhododendrons, might be planted. The upper part of this garden might be appropriated to every species of forcing: and though it is difficult to ornament the mean, slanting roof of a hot-house, yet, when all other vegetation is destroyed by cold, we may occasionally enjoy the sight of plants protected by art, without disgust at the means by which they are protected.