The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment XxII. Of Aspects And Prospects.

The best rooms with the best aspects and views

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It was a remark of my venerable friend, Mr. Carr, of York, after fourscore years' experience as an architect, that, to "build a house, we had only to provide all that was wanted, and no more; then, to place the best rooms to the best aspects, and the best views." Simple as this apothegm may appear, it contains more truth in theory, and more difficulty in practice, than all the rules which have ever been laid down in books by architects, or the remarks of all the admirers of rural scenery, with whom I have conversed. The former never think of aspects, and the latter think of nothing but prospects. I will, therefore, beg leave to enlarge on these two subjects.