It now remains only to mention the side towards the southwest; and, having stated the objection to this aspect, we may consider it fortunate that the prospect, in this direction, is such as requires to be hid rather than displayed; and, consequently, the detached offices and plantations, to connect the gardens with the house, will defend the latter from the driving storms of the south-west, and give that sheltered and shady connexion betwixt the house, offices, and gardens, which constitutes one of the most delightful agremens of a country residence*.
*[With great deference to Mr. Repton's opinion on this subject (with which, on the whole, we agree), yet we cannot help stating, that, to a certain extent, we differ from him. In the case of a flat surface, with the views on every side capable of being rendered equally good, then we should have no hesitation in following Mr. Repton's rules; but, in the case of a situation, where there was only a good distant prospect on one side, we would arrange the plan of the house so that the windows of the drawing-room should look to that prospect, whatever might be their aspect. We do this on the principle that a prospect, from the windows, is a feature of the greatest value in a country-house, and one that cannot be created by art; while cold, wind, rain, and excessive sunshine, with all the other evils of bad aspects, may be counteracted by the skill of the architect; and a view, however flat the scene, may always be rendered interesting by the landscape gardener. We cordially agree with Mr. Repton, that the flower garden should always, if practicable, be placed on a warm side of the house, so as to have the morning sun; and, also, that the entrance-front should always be on the worst side of the house, considered with reference to prospect; excepting, indeed, in the case of labourers' cottages, where the entrance-door should generally be placed on the warmest side, in order that the air, which blows in when it is opened, may not be so cold as it blew from any point north of east and west.-J. C. L.]