The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xvi. Concerning Villas.

White Lodge, Richmond Park, Lord Sidmouth 4

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The improvement suggested [in fig. 197] has been exe- cuted in every respect by the present noble inhabitant, with the exception of the treillage ornaments, which may, at any time, be added*. *[In a beautiful work, lately published in France, entitled, "Choix des plus celebres Maisons de Plaisance de Rome," by Cha. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine, the following just distinction is made betwixt the Italian gardens and those of France; to which might be added, the modern English garden also. "Ce n'est jamais, comme on le voit chez nous, un jardin dans le quelle on a pretendu faire un site, un paysage, mais au contraire, un site dans le quel on a fait un jardin; c'est l'art qui a pare la nature, et non pas l'art qui a voulu la creer." [It is never there, as it is with us, that a garden is pretended to be made into an interesting situation, or a fine landscape; but, on the contrary, a garden is made in a fine situation: it is art which has adorned what nature has supplied, and not art which would create a substitute for nature. J. C. L.]