The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xvi. Concerning Villas.

Streatham garden in spring and autumn

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In SPRING, the garden begins to excite interest with the first blossoms of the crocus and snowdrop: and, though its delights are seldom enjoyed in the more magnificent country residences of the nobility, yet the garden of a villa should be profusely supplied with all the fragrance and the beauty of blossom belonging to " il gioventu del anno." [The youth of the year.] Lastly, the garden in AUTUMN to its flowers adds its fruits; these, by judicious management, may be made a source of great luxury and delight: and we may observe, that it is chiefly in spring and autumn that gravel-walks are more essentially useful, when the heavy dews on the lawn render grass walks almost inaccessible.