The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xix. Concerning Combination.

Ancient seat of a noble family

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Near the ancient seat of a NOBLE FAMILY, the parish church (to which is attached the burial place, used by the family for more than seven centuries) is so close to the site of the mansion, that some may, perhaps, think it too near; but a modern house has been restored on the original site, and is now so intimately connected with the church, the churchyard, and offices belonging to the house, that it is impossible not to be pleased with the combined effect of such a mass of buildings. This I have recommended to be increased, by preserv- ing a picturesque cottage, formerly the parsonage, and adding a cemetery, to form the boundary of the churchyard. It is remarkable, that, in this neighbourhood, a custom prevails of profusely gilding the tombs and gravestones, which are some of white and some of a black stone; and I suggested the idea of intermixing shrubs and beds of flowers with the gilded and carved ornaments: the novelty of the scene would tend to remove that degree of disgust which ought not to be excited by the emblems of mortality, while we believe in the immortality of man.