The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xiv. Wingerworth.

Wingerworth Hall views

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VIEW FROM THE HOUSE. If there were any rooms to the north, and if it were desirable to open the view in that direction, by removing the stables, &c., it would be purchasing a landscape at the expense of all comfort, by opening to the north winds. It is, therefore, obvious, that the stables can nowhere be better placed; and, fortunately, there are no rooms to the north to require such a sacrifice. The view to the east is, doubtless, the leading object from this house, and to this, great attention should be given. At present it is defective in two particulars; first, the ground falls in an inclined plane, and though the lawn is very deep, yet it is so fore-shortened to the eye, that very little of it is visible, and that part of it near the eye, is dirty, and inappropriate as a view from such apartments. This will be remedied by the terrace and dressed ground proposed. The distance, consisting of a rich valley, though bounded by the palaces of Bolsover and Hardwick, in the horizon, wants marked and appropriated features. The smoke and the flame of a foundry attract our notice; but the eye would be more powerfully fixed by the expanse of water, which might be spread over the bottom, and by removing some trees, to do away the traces of those two rows that were at one time thought ornamental. The effect of such widely separated rows of trees was not like that of the ancient avenue, whose dark and solemn grandeur amply compensated for its artificial ranks: but this seems to have been a specimen of the power which art might exert over nature, by compelling trees to form lines, and take possession of a country far beyond the limits of the park, or lawn, belonging to the house; and, of course, such puerile attempts at mock importance are not worthy to be retained.