The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Vi. On Castles.

Architectural and landscape perspectives

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The usual manner in which books of architecture have represented the elevations of buildings, has been either geometrically, without perspective to denote the projecting and receding parts, or else perspectively, as a bird's-eye view supposed to be taken from an imaginary spot in the air. However intelligible these may be to professed architects, they are as little comprehended by general observers, as the ground plan of a building by those who are not ashamed to acknowledge they do not understand a plan*. *[The antiquities of this country, and the beauties of Gothic outline, have been, of late, more forcibly elucidated by various picturesque works; of which, that by Hearne and Byrne took the lead; and I cannot omit a tribute to the beautiful combination of correct Gothic remains, and landscape scenery, displayed in the antiquities of England, published by Mr. Britton. These works have already been followed by many other ingenious productions, tending to increase the knowledge of English antiquities, and the study of picturesque effect.]