The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section X. Embellishments; Architectural, Rustic, and Floral

Covered seat with minerals and shells

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Figure 85 represents a covered seat of another kind. The central structure, which is circular, is intended for a collection of minerals, shells, or any other curious objects for which an amateur might have a penchant. Geological or mineralogical specimens of the adjacent neighborhood, would be very proper for such a cabinet. The seat surrounds it on the outside, over which is a thatched roof or veranda, supported on rustic pillars formed of the trunks of saplings, with the bark attached. Many of the English country places abound with admirable specimens of rustic work in their parks and pleasure-grounds. White Knight's, in particular, a residence of the Duke of Marlborough, has a number of beautiful structures of this kind. Figure 86 is a view of a round seat with thatched roof, in that demesne. Three or four rustic pillars support the architrave, and the whole of the exterior and interior (being first formed of framework) is covered with straight branches of the maple and larch. The seat on the interior looks upon a fine prospect; and the seat on the back of the exterior fronts the park. There is no limit to the variety of forms and patterns in which these rustic seats, arbors, summer-houses, etc., can be constructed by an artist of some fancy and ingenuity. After the frame-work of the structure is formed of posts and rough boards, if small straight rods about an inch in diameter, of hazel, white birch, maple, etc., are selected in sufficient quantity, they may be nailed on in squares, diamonds, medallions, or other patterns, and have the effect of a mosaic of wood.