The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section VI. Vines and Climbing Plants

Clematis varieties in America

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The various kinds of Clematis, though generally kept within the precincts of the garden, are capable of adding to the interest of the pleasure ground, when they are planted so as to support themselves on the branches of trees. The common White Clematis or Virgin's Bower (C. virginica) is one of the strongest growing kinds, often embellishing with its pale white blossoms, the whole interior and even the very tops of our forest trees in the middle states. After these have fallen, they are succeeded by large tufts of brown, hairy-like plumes, appendages to the clusters of seeds, which give the whole a very unique and interesting look. The Wild Atragene, with large purple flowers, which blossom early, has much the same habit as the Clematis, to which, indeed, it is nearly related. Among the finest foreign species of this genus are, the Single and Double-flowered purple Clematis (C. viticella and its varieties), which, though slender in their stems, run to considerable height, are very pretty, and blossom profusely. The sweet scented and the Japan Clematis (C. flammula and C. florida), the former very fragrant, and the latter beautiful, are perhaps too tender, except for the garden, where they are highly prized.