The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section V. Evergreen Ornamental

Arbor Vit� Thuja occidentalis in New Brunswick, Vermont, and Maine

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The Arbor Vit� is very abundant in New Brunswick, Vermont, and Maine. In New York, the shores of the Hudson, at Hampton landing, 70 miles above the city of New York, are lined on both sides with beautiful specimens of this tree, many of them being perfect cones in outline; and it is here much more symmetrical and perfect in its growth than we have seen it. Forty feet is about the maximum altitude of the Arbor Vit�, and the stem rarely measures more than ten or twelve inches in diameter. The wood is very light, soft, and fine-grained, but is reputed to be equally durable with the Red Cedar. It is consequently employed for various purposes in building and fencing, where, in the northern districts, it grows in sufficient abundance, and of suitable size.