The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section III. On Wood.

Picturesque planting and grouping of woodlands

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PLANTING AND GROUPING TO PRODUCE THE PICTURESQUE. All trees are admissible in a picturesque place, but a predominance must be used by the planter of what are truly called picturesque trees, of which the larch and fir tribe, and some species of oak, may be taken as examples. In Picturesque plantations everything depends on intricacy and irregularity, and grouping, therefore, must often be done in the most irregular manner-rarely, if ever, with single specimens, as every object should seem to connect itself with something else; but most frequently there should be irregular groups, occasionally running into thickets, and always more or less touching each other; trusting to after time for any thinning, should it be necessary. Fig. 22 may, as compared with Fig. 21, give an idea of picturesque grouping.