The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section III. On Wood.

Grouping for natural beauty

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But to return to grouping; what we have already endeavored to render familiar to the reader, may be called (* When, in thinning woods in this manner, those left standing have a meagre appearance, a luxuriant growth may be promoted by the application of manure plentifully dug in about the roots. This will also, by causing an abundant growth of new roots, strengthen the trees in their position.) grouping in its simple meaning-for general effect, and with an eye only to the natural beauty of pleasing forms. Let us now explain, as concisely as we may, the mode of grouping in the two schools of Landscape Gardening heretofore defined, that is to say, grouping and planting for Beautiful effect, and for Picturesque effect; as we wish it understood that these two different expressions, in artificial landscape, are always to a certain extent under our control.