The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section III. On Wood.

Conical trees with Grecian and Italian architecture

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Conical or oblong-headed trees, when carefully employed, are very effective for purposes of contrast, in conjunction with horizontal lines of buildings such as we see in Grecian or Italian architecture. Near such edifices, sparingly introduced, and mingled in small proportion with round-headed trees, they contrast advantageously with the long cornices, flat roofs, and horizontal lines that predominate in their exteriors. Lombardy poplars are often thus introduced in pictures of Italian scenery, where they sometimes break the formality of a long line of wall in the happiest manner. Nevertheless, if they should be indiscriminately employed, or even used in any considerable portion in the decoration of the ground immediately adjoining a building of any pretensions, they would inevitably defeat this purpose, and by their tall and formal growth diminish the apparent magnitude, as well as the elegance of the house.