The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section I. Historical Sketches.

John Claudius Loudon as a gardening author

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Mr. Loudon's* writings and labors in tasteful gardening, are too well known, to render it necessary that we should do more than allude to them here. Much of what is known of the art in this country undoubtedly is, more or less directly, to be referred to the influence of his published works. Although he is, as it seems to us, somewhat deficient as an artist in imagination, no previous author ever deduced, so clearly, sound artistical principles in Landscape Gardening and Rural Architecture; and fitness, good sense, and beauty, are combined with much unity of feeling in all his works. (*While we are revising the second edition, we regret deeply to learn the death of Mr. Loudon. His herculean labors as an author have at last destroyed him; and in his death we lose one who has done more than any other person that ever lived, to popularize, and render universal, a taste for Gardening and Domestic Architecture.)