The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Appendix. II. Description of an English Suburban residence, CHESHUNT COTTAGE.

Cheshunt Cottage in London 16

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The beauties of this place, as has been already mentioned, depend chiefly on the taste and judgment displayed in laying out the walks, and distributing the trees and shrubs; though the choice of a situation for the pond, and the mount adjoining it, is also a matter of some consequence. The trees and shrubs, being comparatively limited in number, consist of one of almost every kind that is to be procured in British nurseries, exclusive of those which are common, or not considered ornamental. In selecting these, the more rare kinds have been procured, and planted quite young; Mr. Harrison and Mr. Pratt having found, by experience, that the pines and firs should be planted out when not more than of three or four years' growth. When the plants have been in pots, the balls should be gently broken with the hand, and afterwards all the earth washed away from the roots by the application of water. The plant may then be placed on a hill of prepared mould, and the roots stretched out, so as to radiate from the plant in every direction, and afterwards covered with mould.