The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Appendix. II. Description of an English Suburban residence, CHESHUNT COTTAGE.

Cheshunt Cottage in London 11

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Remarks.-In pointing out the principal sources of the professional instruction which a young gardener may derive from examining this place, we shall first direct attention to the garden structures. These, whether of the ornamental or useful kind, are executed substantially, and with great care and neatness; while the farm buildings, being chiefly of wood, show how great an extent of accommodation may be obtained without regularity of plan, and without incurring much expense. A good exercise for the young designer would be to distribute the same accommodation, properly classed, along the sides of a square or squares, or along the sides of a parallelogram or polygon, and either detached from or connected with the horticultural buildings. The manner in which the working-sheds are heated by the waste heat from the furnaces, in consequence of which, in severe weather, much more work will be done in them, and in a better manner, and in which they are lighted, so as to serve for protecting certain kinds of plants during winter, is worthy of imitation; as is the mode of heating so many different houses from only three boilers. In no garden structures have we seen a more judicious use of the Penrhyn slate; paths, edgings, shelves, cisterns, boxes for plants, copings, kerbs, partitions, and substitutes for dwarf walls, being all made of it. The order and neatness with which all the different tools, utensils, &c., are kept in the horticultural and farm buildings, are most exemplary, and greatly facilitate the despatch of business.