The Garden Guide

Hampstead garden property

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Property in Hamstead has the reputation of attracting more artistic people than the grand residential districts of Central London. Hampstead has a village feel to it with almost country-like gardens. But property prices have been rising for a long time and fewer artistic and media people can afford the high prices at which houses are offered for sale. Apartments are more affordable and everyone benefits from easy access to Hampstead Heath.

Hampstead Garden Suburb (planned by Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin in 1905) may well have the highest concentration of excellent Arts and Crafts gardens in the world. Rasmussen commented that 'Parker and Unwin 'experimented with different ways of creating pleasant housing groups with very low road costs... arranged round small quadrangles, greens or tennis lawns forming quiet backwaters outside the general traffic flow'.

For garden-lovers and others, Hampstead is a delightful place to live.

Extra information on Hampstead property and parks:

Hampstead Garden Suburb

Hampstead Heath

Kenwood Park

Muirhead's 1927 London Walks Hampstead and Highgate

Hampstead real estate

Hampstead pond, London

House in Hampstead

Hampstead Heath, London, England

Properties in Hampstead, London