The Landscape Guide

Syon Park

These magnificent grounds were landscaped by Lancelot 'Capability' Brown between 1767 and 1773. He swept away the Tudor terraces and formal gardens, setting the castle-like house in a green park. He created a large lake in the mid-distance and introduced cedars and other exotic trees. For this he charged the Duke of Northumberland £1,956. Changes in life-style in the 20th century have obliged the present Duke to turn it into a commercial venture with a horticultural emphasis. The grounds have been adapted to cater for large numbers of visitors - the lakeside has been planted with a colourful collection of waterside plants and many 'designed' garden features have been introduced. The conservatory and the planting give Syon Park more of the character of the nineteenth century's Mixed Style than the eighteenth century's Serpentine Style.

Park Road, Isleworth, nr Brentford.

HOMEPAGE - Landscape Architecture London List

Goto map 38

Syon Park