The Landscape Guide

London Olympic Cycling Velodrome 2012

Park City Stadium Arenas Cycling Olympic Village Hockey Precinct Plan 2005 Photos

The new Velodrome will be north of the A12 and the Eastway Cycle Circuit. The Eastway Cycle Circuit is scheduled to close and to be replaced, after the Olympics, with an Olympic VeloPark a cycle circuit, a mountain bike track and cyclo-cross tracks. There should also be a world-class urban cycle route from the Velodrome to Central London. The aims of this route should be (1) to bring cyclists to the Olympics (2) to invent a new type of green urban transport: a Sustainable Veloway which, entirely in the spirit of the ancient Olympics, satisfies the body (safe, comfortable, convenient) and also the spirit (beautiful, dramatic, interesting, exciting).

The Sustainable Veloway should be designed before it is engineered. See comment on London Cycle Network LCN.

The Eastway Sports
Centre, disused in 2005,
is the site for an Olympic

The Lee Valley's Eastway
Cycle Circuit, which is
delightful, will be leveled
to make way for Olympic