The Landscape Guide

9.7 The New Zoning

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What else might buildings have to say? Plenty. As discussed in the next chapter, they can speak of diverse identities: regional character, geology, soils, local colours, ethnic history, traditions, industrial history, cultures, religions, architectural styles, aspirations, art, personalities and much else. A fascinating aspect of the New Zoning is that the zones will not be exclusive (Figure 9. 8). Take the case of a town that sits on a topographic boundary. On one side of the boundary is a level area of poorly drained clay, traditionally supporting willows and reeds. On the other is a sandy heath, supporting birch and heather. Plant and animal species can cross the line, but some of them will remain on one side or the other. This should be the manner of our New Zoning. Distribution zones will overlap, as will areas of identity. Some people will not be aware of the zones. Those without an interest in vegetation, architecture, street planning, land use or history may be completely unaware of their existence. Others will be able to read these languages. Architects, planners and designers should learn to speak them.

Fig 9.8 In the ‘New Zoning’, when development projects learn to converse, zones will overlie one another. Designers and planners will learn to answer the classic GIS questions (Where, What if and What?) before taking decisions.