The Garden Guide

Medieval Gardens and Music History Homepage

Christianity permeated society. Medieval gardens made for the nobility, the clergy and landed gentry. The poor had very little; the clergy had cloister garths, herb gardens and vegetable gardens; the rich had everything:

• Lakes, which could be man-made

• Hunting parks, which supplied timber, firewood and food

• Flowery herbers and wall-walks (alleys) with good views

• Flowery lawns, orchards and vineyards

• Turf seats, arbours and trellis work

• Vegetable gardens notes and references on Medieval Gardens 

Michelham Priory

Rievaulx Terrace and Abbey 

Mount Grace Priory 

Bodiam Castle 

Chepstow Castle 

Leeds Castle 

Stirling Castle 

Prebendel Manor 


Weald and Downland Museum 

Medieval garden design