See: Ian Thompson (2012) Ten Tenets and Six Questions for Landscape Urbanism, Landscape Research, 37:1, 7-26, The bold text below are quotations from this excellent article and the explanations in normal text are based on his, longer, explanations.
We must move away from traditional ways of thinking and speaking about landscape and cities.
Landscape Urbanism can act as a solvent to break down the barriers between the other built environment disciplines, including landscape architecture, civil engineering and architecture.
Landscape Urbanism is inherently outward looking. It seeks seeking connections with the wider context in any specific development project.
We can evaluate the performance of a landscape as we might judge that of a motor engine.
Landscape Urbanism is interested in systems, but asserts that it is not concerned with the aesthetic qualities of space.
When landscape urbanists employ the term ‘machinic’... they are using it in this free and openended way to suggest notions of connection, coming together and assembly . [See Gilles Deleuze and Wiki on assemblage theory]
Traditionally, infrastructure is hidden to keep it away from scenic landscapes. Echoing Modernism’s calls for honesty and authenticity, landscape urbanists would reverse this situation.
Landscape Urbanism draws upon the vocabulary and conceptual apparatus of ecology for understanding site and city
Following from Landscape Urbanism’s interest in infrastructure and ecological functioning, it challenges the nature–culture dichotomy and promotes creative assemblages and hybridity between natural and engineered systetms.
Gilles Deleuze and his friend, Félix Guattari, have exerted a philosophical influence on the theory of landscape urbanism
A Deleuzian folded landscape at the Laban Dance Centre in London
Creased landscape