The Landscape Guide

More London

More London is a 13-acre business estate between London Bridge and Tower Bridge. The overall design is by Foster and Partners. The architecture is sleek but does little to define and create good urban landscape. There are too many odd corners - and too much wasted space. The redeeming aspect of the outdoor design is the water features developed with Robert Townshend Landscape Architects: The Rill, the Water Benches and The Riverside.

London City Hall is one of the More London tenants.


HOMEPAGE - Landscape Architecture London List

The Mies van der Rohe slogan that 'less is more', dominates this early-twenty-first century London development. (Traditionalists quip that the design is "more 'Less London' than 'More London")

The plastic tree enlivens a dismal space - but why design a dismal space? It would be of more use as glazed public open space, like Tower Place, though it would still be badly proportioned.