The Landscape Guide

Finsbury Park

Finsbury Park was made in part of the former Hornsey Wood which had woodland, meadow, a lake and a tavern. The park was opened in 1869.

So far as one can tell from the records, it was a pleasanter place as Hornsey Wood than when made into a public park, with vapid exapanses of mown grass and isolated attractions such as a band stand and a boating lake.

From 2004-5 Finsbury Park was restored with £3.4m from the Heritage Lottery Fund and £1m from Haringey Council. A wiser policy, as with Burgess Park, would have been to re-consider the socio-economic role and management structure of the park. Haringey Council should continue to own and fund the park but a lease should be granted to a trust with well-defined objectives and full management control.


HOMEPAGE - Landscape Architecture London List