See index page for Chelsea to Tower Thames Landscape Strategy
The bed of the Tidal Thames belonged to the crown, along with most land below the high-tide line in England. The crown retains ownership of the foreshore in front of London's royal palaces but the rest of the Tidal Thames was transferred to the Port of London Authority in 1908. London, then the world's busiest port, no longer appears on lists of the busiest ports and almost all its port activity has moved out of London - to Tilbury and other estuary ports. As argued in the below videos, the management of the Tidal Thames, at least from Teddington to Woolwich, should therefore be in the hands of a multi-objective body. The alternatives are (1) convert the Port of London Authority into multi-objective authority (2) transfer the Thames in Central London to a new multi-objective agency, such as a Thames Landscape Agency.