Landscape CAREERS: Welcome,
Education, Distance
Learning, Jobs,
Alternative Careers, Environmental
Consultancy, Golf Course
Architecture, Voluntary Work,
Animation Jobs, Design
Distance learning
Some distance learning programmes are available in garden design and
garden history but online distance learning in landscape architecture
is in its infancy.
UCLA Extension offers landscape
architecture as one of fields of study as part of the lifelong learning
program, with courses in Advanced Professional Practices (Online) [X 493.3]
and AutoCAD for Landscape Architects (Online) [X 493.5]
The University
of Greenwich offers a Postgraduate Certificate in Garden History by
online distance learning (home study)
The English
Gardening School offers a distance learning course in garden design.
The University
of British Columbia offers a course in Creativity and Design Applied
to Landscape Architecture
Distance learning methods: online and offline
'Distance learning' can mean either:
- paper-based distance learning: students receive printed course materials
by post
- electronic online distance learning: students are taught using web-based
or CD-based distance learning materials
Both these approaches to distance learning can be supported by:
- visits by teaching staff to a remote distance learning centre
- visits by students to the centre where the teaching staff are based,
usually for a week or week-end short course, often a summer course
Combinations of the above approaches to distance learning can be described
as 'flexible learning'.
Distance learning providers
Distance learning and online courses can be classified as follows:
- Distance learning provided by private organizations
(eg private colleges) un-affiliated with academic or professional institutions
- they may be described as Certificate or Diploma courses but the qualifications
are not recognized by other professional or academic institutions. Such
courses can be excellent but they do not confer the benefits of recognized,
validated and accredited distance courses
- Distance learning provided by universities and contributing
credit points to internationally recognized university certificates,
diplomas or degrees. Such courses may also be recognized by professional
societies (eg of landscape architects or garden designers) as leading
to professional membership of their organizations - and therefore to
wider employment opportunities.
- Non-accredited distance learning courses can also be offered by universities
and colleges under adult or lifelong learning programmes. Such courses
do not contribute credit points to a recognized qualification
- Distance learning provided by professional bodies
and contributing to professional membership of those organizations
It is possible to take online courses in horticulture, for example, and
then apply for the credits so gained to be transferred to another university
which offers education in landscape architecture or garden design. Clearly
the credits must be approved by the accepting institution.