Life of John Claudius Loudon his wife
Early life London
Country Residences Ferm
ornee Russia Loss of
fortune Hothouses France and Italy Gardeners
Magazine Marriage Birmingham Scotland Arboretum Suburban
Gardener Cemeteries Last illness Death Anecdotes Elegy
Work on hothouses and conservatories
In August, 1815, a paper had been published in the
Transactions of the Horticultural Society, by Sir George
Mackenzie of Coul, "on the form which the glass of a forcing-house
ought to have, in order to receive the greatest possible quantity
of rays from the sun." This form Sir George conceived to be that of
a globe; but, as it seemed impracticable to make a hothouse
globular, he proposed to make the roof the segment of a circle. Mr.
Loudon appears to have been very much struck with this paper; but
he saw faults in the plan which he thought might be amended, and he
tried houses with curvilinear roofs of various kinds, in order to
ascertain which was the best. He also tried a house with what he
called ridge and furrow glazing; a plan which has since been
carried out on a magnificent scale by Mr. Paxton, in the Duke of Devonshire's splendid
conservatory at Chatsworth. While these
houses were in progress, he wrote a work entitled . Remarks on
the Construction of Hothouses, &c., which was published in
1817. Shortly afterwards he invented a new kind of sash-bar, of
which he gave a description, together with sketches of the
hothouses, and details of their construction, in a quarto pamphlet
entitled Sketches of Curvilinear Hothouses, &c., which
was published in 1818. The profits of this bar he was to have
shared with the ironmonger by whom it was sold; but, I believe, he
never reaped any pecuniary advantage from it. He also published, in
folio, another work, in the same year, entitled A Comparative
View of the Common and Curvilinear Modes of roofing