The Landscape Guide

Life of John Claudius Loudon his wife

Early life London Country Residences Ferm ornee Russia Loss of fortune   Hothouses France and Italy Gardeners Magazine Marriage Birmingham Scotland Arboretum Suburban Gardener  Cemeteries Last illness Death Anecdotes Elegy

Birmingham Botanic Garden

Immediately after our marriage, Mr. Loudon began to rewrite the Encyclopedia of Gardening, which was published in the course of the year 1831. On the 1st of October, 1830, he published the first part of a work, in atlas folio, entitled Illustrations of Landscape Gardening and Garden Architecture; but, from the very expensive nature of the work, and the limited number of subscribers, he found it necessary to discontinue it, and. it did not proceed beyond the third part, which appeared in 1833. In the beginning of the year 1831 he had an application to lay out a botanic garden at Birmingham, and he agreed to do it merely on the payment of his expenses. On this occasion I accompanied him; and, after spending about six weeks in Birmingham, (which, though it is my native town, I had not seen for several years) we made a tour through the North of England, visiting the lakes in Cumberland and Westmoreland. It was at Chester that we saw a copy of Mr. Paxton's horticultural Register, the first rival to The Gardener's Magazine, which at the time we were married produced £750 a year; but which gradually decreased from the appearance of the Horticultural Register, till the period of Mr. London's death, immediately after which it was given up.


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