The 1951 Administrative County of London Development Plan covered a much smaller geographical area (a 12 km radius) and a narrower range of interests (London County Council, 1951). It was a statutory plan. Individual contributors were not identified, but it is known to have been the work of park managers assisted by planners from the architecture and surveying professions. Their aim was simply to increase the physical area of vegetated parkspace as much as possible. This was an unimaginatively quantitative approach. Increasing the amount of vegetated open space in London has tended to suburbanize the city. Had the plan been fully implemented, it would have homogenized the city's urban grain and its open space structure. In 1960, the planners boasted of their achievements in the preceding decade, measured by the extent to which London had moved towards the standard of 4 acres of open space per 1000 population. They had added 521 acres of new open space (London County Council, 1960) but had neglected Abercrombie's plan for a London-wide greenway system. Mostly, the 1951 led to the making of large vacant expanses of grass
The 1951 plan for London forgot about Abercrombie's plan for linked open space. It dealt only with the quantity of green parkspace.