Upward links to Alexander's Pattern Language
Building complex (95), Circulation realms (98), Pedestrian streets (100).
Most cities are building glazed indoor malls, for a variety of purposes. Too often they are not interconnected, so that pedestrians are denied the benefit of a continuous covered walkway. The exceptions are in very hot and very cold climates, where necessity has been the mother of invention. In temperate cities, shoppers and commuters are frequently too hot or too cold, because they wear outdoor clothing indoors.
City planners should ensure that glazeways will be interconnected in the medium to long term. They should also be connected to other types of pedestrian way and, on the urban fringe, to rural greenways ("countryways'). In central business districts, there should be a continuous network of glazeways, taking in office malls, shopping malls, and transport interchanges. Most of the network will be constructed by private development companies, but connecting links should be built by public authorities.
Downward links to Alexander's Pattern Language
Activity pockets (124), Open stairs (158), Window place (180).