The Landscape Guide

Garden History Education Course

Ordering the Garden History CD ISBN 0-9542306-0-4

See also:

The contents of the CD are structured for use in different ways - one of them being for teachers and learners of garden history. If the CD is purchased through Kagi we offer the CDs half-price when bought in packs of ten for educational use. The principle has been to present the history of garden design in a linked set of documents of increasing complexity, each covering the 4,000 years from 2,000 years BC to 2,000 years AD:

  1. A 1-page Diagrammatic Summary of garden history
  2. An 8-page Timeline with style diagrams, examples of garden plans (drawn in colour), and links to descriptions of key gardens (with further links to eTexts on garden history). This summary could be well be used at high school level.
  3. A set of 24 Style Diagrams (as on this website) with links to descriptions of key gardens (with further links to eTexts on garden history)
  4. A Garden History Guide (specially written for the CD) with 70 pages of text, and illustrations, following the same pattern as Gothein's book (18 sections to match her 18 chapters) with forward links. The Garden History Guide with selective use of the forward links is likely to meet the needs of undergraduate students taking BA and BSc courses in garden history, horticulture and landscape architecture.
  5. The full-text of Marie Luise Gothein's brilliant History of Garden Art, as on this website but will all her illustrations and some additions.
  6. An additional 100 Garden History eTexts covering the 4,000 years of garden history. Since the number of words is approximately equal to 3 copies of The Bible, they are likely to suit the needs of advanced learners. Each eText has an introductory section written by the editor, and links to relevant texts, gardens and biographies. Please return to the Contents of CD section for details of these texts.
  7. The CD has a Glossary of Garden History, as on this website, and a Biographical Index of garden designers, garden owners and garden patrons.
  8. There is a set of Power Point Presentations on the CD, with photographs and comment on selected gardens, parks and landscapes. This section is growing and we invite both teachers and learners to submit additions (in exchange for a free copy of the Garden History CD). The photographs are copyright but can be easily extracted from these presentations individual for use in learning and teaching.