The names of the plants listed below, from Gertrude Jekyll's Colour Schemes for the Flower Garden (see online text: Colour schemes for the flower garden) have changed to the modern names identified in brackets below
Agathea coelestis {Felicia amelloides}
Alexandrian Laurel {Danae racemosa}
Alpenrose, {Rhododendron ferrugineum}
Amaranthus sanguineus {Amarantheus paniculata var sanguineus}
Arundo Phragmites {Phragmites communis}
Bambusa tessellata {Sasa tessellate}
Campanula macrantha alba {Campanula lactiflora var alba}
Centranthus {Kentranthus spp}
Cineraria maritima {Senecio cineraria}
Clematis davidiana {Clematis heracleifolia var davidiana}
Corydalis bulbosa {Corydalis solida}
Delphinium belladonna {Delphinium formosum}
Desmodium pendulifolium {Lespedeza thunbergii}
Dielytra spectabilis {Dicentra spectabilis}
Erica ciliata {Erica ciliaris}
Erica hybrida {Erica x Darleyensis}
Fumaria bulbosa {Corydalis spp}
Funkia Sieboldi {Hosta sieboldiana}
Golden Elder, {Sambucus racemosa 'Plumosa Aurea'}
Guelder Rose {Viburnum opulus Sterile}
Heuchera Richardsoni {Heuchera hispida}
Iris stylosa {Iris unguicularis}
Loquat {Eriobotrya japonica}
Lyme Grass {Leymus arenaria}
Maiden’s Wreath {Francoa sonchifolia}
Megasea {Bergenia spp}
Menziesia polifolia {Daboecia cantabrica}
Oenothera lamarckiana {Oenothera erthyrosepala}
Orobus vernus {Lathyrus vernus}
Peony albiflora {Peaonia lactiflora}
Perowskya {Perovskia spp}
Plume Celosias {Celosia plumose}
Poa aquatica {Glyceria maxima}
Pyrethrum uliginosum {Chrysanthemum uliginosum}
Pyrus japonica {Chaenomeles speceosa}
Pyrus malus floribunda {Malus floribunda}
Ribbon Grass, {Phalaris arundinacea picta}
Rosa lucida, {Rosa pimpinellifolia var altaica}
Rubus nutkanus {Rubus parviflorus}
Senecio artemisaefolius {Senecio adonidifolius}
Spirea Aruncus {Aruncus Sylvestris}
Spirea Liridleyana {Sorbaria tomentosa}
St. Bruno’s Lily {Paradisea liliastrum}
Sweet Cicely {Myrrhis odorata}
Sweet Verbena {Lippia citriodora}
Veronica Traversi {Veronica brachysiphon}
Water Elder {Viburnum opulus}
Note: the plant now known as Guelder Rose is referred to by Jekyll as Water Elder
Oaks and Chestnuts
Flattened fronds of last year's Bracken
Brown leaves still hang on young Beech and Oak
Trunks of the Spanish Chestnuts are elephant-grey
Pale early Pyrenean Daffodil
Rhododendrons and Birches
Clumps of red Lent Hellebores
Dark masses of Rhododendron and the Birches that shoot up among them
A pleasant grey coating of Phlomis, Lavender, Rosemary, Cistus, and Santolina
A strong tuft of Iris stylosa {Iris unguicularis} whose first blooms appeared in November
Some tall bushes of Forsythia suspense
Among the Forsythias is also a large bush of Magnolia stellata
A larch post planted with a free-growing Rose
An old hedge-bank with Scotch Firs, Oaks, Thorns
The pink of Megasea {Bergenia} ligulata, and with the lower-toned pinks of Fumaria Bulbosa {Corydalis spp} and the Dog-tooth Violets (Erythronium).
Scilla bifolia and Chionodoxa
Megasea {Bergenia} and the little Fumaria
Rhododendron praecox and Andromeda (Pieris) floribunda
Backbone of Alpenrose (Rhododendron ferrugineum)