The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Schonen Skane Blekinge Gardens

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437. As celebrated gardens in Schonen, in 1831, may be mentioned the following: � Malthesholm, Loparod, Offoidskloster, Vanaes, and Witskofle; all of which contain kitchen-gardens, with hothouses, in which pine-apples are grown; and forcing-houses for grapes, peaches, cauliflowers, cabbage lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, and melons. The forced fruits are seldom ripened earlier than June or July. At Malthesholm they excel in growing the coffee tree, and gather a good deal of fruit. At one time, the queen, on a tour through the country, stopped at this place, and was served with a cup of coffee from berries grown in the garden. In 1824, two fine plants of Agave americana flowered at the same time, and were considered so much alike, that scarcely any difference could be observed between them. They sent up stems twenty feet high, which were covered with a profusion of flowers. The pleasure-grounds here are laid out in the old French taste. At Vanaes there are several New Holland plants. At Witskofle there is a small mulberry garden, which produces plenty of fruit every year. There are also from twenty-five to thirty fig trees, about six feet high, which are planted in the open ground every summer, and taken up in the beginning of every winter, and kept till next season in a cellar. The garden of M. Rosenblad, at Stockholm, was, in 1836, considered one of the finest gardens in Sweden. The hothouses were 200 feet long, and there were nearly 4000 specimens of plants. [Editor's Note: Schonen is a collective name for the regions of Skane and Blekinge. It is fertile and known as 'Sweden's Garden']